Ann am beatha agus bas
San t-àm a dh'fhalbh ‘s an-diugh Air fearann no aig muir Air làithean ciùin no garbh Tha sinne ann an-seo Cuimhnichibh air a th' annainn Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bhon tàinig sinn Agus thoiribh iad dhan obair againn an-diugh Gu bhiodh ar sinnsearan moiteil àsainn Mar a their sinn ann an Aotearoa: Tihei Mauri Ora |
In life and in death
In past and present On land and at sea On calm days and rough We are here. Remember who we are Remember the people from which we came And bring them to our work today That our ancestors would be proud As we say in Aotearoa: Tihei Mauri Ora |
Tēnā tātou e hoa mā,
nau mai ki tō tātou pae ipurangi,
ko Gathering at the Gate te kaupapa nei.
He mihi manahau, he mihi māhaki ki a koutou ngāi mana whenua huri noa i te motu.
He mihi hoki ki ngā hau e whā.
He mihi ki ō koutou tūpuna, ō koutou waka, ō koutou whare, ō koutou wawata mō ngā mokopuna ō āpōpō.
Nō rēira, e rere ana te mihi ki a koutou katoa.
Greetings friends! Welcome to our website - called Gathering at the Gate. Acknowledgements to all mana whenua of these lands. Acknowledgements to all peoples of the four winds. Acknowledgements to your ancestors, your waka, your ancestral houses and dreams for our grandchildren’s future. Welcome one and all.
nau mai ki tō tātou pae ipurangi,
ko Gathering at the Gate te kaupapa nei.
He mihi manahau, he mihi māhaki ki a koutou ngāi mana whenua huri noa i te motu.
He mihi hoki ki ngā hau e whā.
He mihi ki ō koutou tūpuna, ō koutou waka, ō koutou whare, ō koutou wawata mō ngā mokopuna ō āpōpō.
Nō rēira, e rere ana te mihi ki a koutou katoa.
Greetings friends! Welcome to our website - called Gathering at the Gate. Acknowledgements to all mana whenua of these lands. Acknowledgements to all peoples of the four winds. Acknowledgements to your ancestors, your waka, your ancestral houses and dreams for our grandchildren’s future. Welcome one and all.